User Manual

source list
A ENV 1 This is the voltage output of the Env 1 generator.
B ENV 2 This is the voltage output of the Env 2 generator.
C ENV 3 This is the voltage output of the Env 3 generator.
Generates a control voltage based on the level of the external input.
E LFO 1 Output from LFO1. This is a bi-polar voltage output (except square wave).
F LFO 2 Output from LFO2. This is a bi-polar voltage output (except square wave).
G LFO 3 Output from LFO3. This is a bi-polar voltage output (except square wave).
Output from the modulation wheel when it is assigned to MATRIX. If the wheel is assigned
to the other options, it will not send a signal here.
I Kbd/ Seq Note triggers from the keyboard or SEQuencer
J Aftertouch The keys are pressure-sensitive when you keep pushing after the note is triggered.
K Velocity
Electronic keyboards measure how fast a key travels to determine how loudly you
intended to play.
L Seq Mod Mod from the SEQuencer
M M1 Macro knob M1
N M2 Macro knob M2
O Exp 1/M3 Expression pedal plugged into the rear panel, and Macro knob M3.
P Exp 2/M4 Expression pedal plugged into the rear panel, and Macro knob M4.
Note that both the Expression pedal and the M 3 or 4 are summed before being routed to
the matrix
39 Arturia - User Manual MatrixBrute - The Matrix