User Manual

confirm whether it is capable of responding to Polyphonic Aftertouch. If it is, this is an
utterly expressive way to control that device.
But it also will generate a lot of extra MIDI data, so route your devices accordingly.
12.8.5 Sync
These allow you to specify the response to various synchronization and tempo options. Clock In/Out Settings
This is where you determine which clocking signal will be transmitted and recognized by
the Clock input and output connectors. Settings: 1step, 24 ppq (pulses per quarter note)
and 48 ppq. Tap Tempo
Choose whether it will take 2, 3, or 4 taps to set the Tempo. Tempo
This parameter allows you to override the independent Tempo settings of each Project.
When set to Global each Project will play at the current Tempo value on the front panel. Wait to Load Project
With this parameter you can specify whether a new Project will be loaded as soon as you
select it or not. This is useful in live performance settings where you may not want to
interrupt the flow of the music between Projects.
If SEQ1, SEQ2 and the Drum pattern are different lengths and this preference set to On,
the BeatStep Pro will wait until the end of the Drum pattern before loading the next
Project. Wait to Load Pattern
Similarly to the wait to Load Project, you can choose if you want the patterns to switch
instantaneously or wait until the end of the current pattern before switching.
If PRST LNK is On and this function is active, BeatStep Pro will wait until the end of the
DRUM pattern.