User Manual

This preference allows you to choose whether a sequence will be transposed
momentarily or latched when receiving incoming MIDI notes on the Transposition Input
Channel. With either setting the transposition will happen immediately; the difference is
what will happen once the pad is released.
When Latch is Off the sequences will transpose back to the original key immediately
after the pad is released. When Latch is On the sequences will stay transposed after the
key is released, and continue in that key until another key is pressed.
This parameter does not affect the transposition from the pads on the unit, only what
comes from an external source. Input channel
Instructs the BeatStep Pro which MIDI channel will set the transposition amount. Input port
Use this to tell the BeatStep Pro which MIDI port will receive the transposition request. Center pitch
The Center pitch decides which incoming note means “don’t transpose”. The default
value is MIDI note #60, or middle C [C3].
So for example, an incoming C3 won't transpose the sequence, but an incoming D3 will
transpose the sequence +2, etc. Seq Link
The fifth parameter determines how the sequencers will respond when a new pattern is
selected from the front panel. There are two settings: Absolute and Relative.
Absolute: all of the sequencers will change to the same pattern number whether you use
the < > buttons or select a pattern directly using the Step buttons.
Relative: the sequencers will add or subtract a number from the pattern selections when
the < > buttons are used.
In other words, if SEQ1 = 01, SEQ2 = 02, and DRUM = 03, pressing the > button will
increment all pattern numbers by one. Result: SEQ1 = 02, SEQ2 = 03, and DRUM = 04.
Direct selection using the Step buttons will still change all sequences to the same