User Manual

There’s a lot more to know about this feature. For one thing, there are several entry
methods available to you:
Type a note name between C1 and C5 (or c1 and c5; the case is ignored)
Enter an ‘absolute’ MIDI note number between the ranges of 36 and 84 (middle C
= C3 = MIDI note #60)
Enter a ‘relative’ transposition amount up to 24 steps above or below C3 (for
example, enter ‘-2’ and you’ll see Bb2 show up as the note name)
Another thing to know is that these data entry methods are all based around a center
note of C3 (middle C). But this may not be what you hear sometimes! This is because
“C3” is always relative to the center of the sequence, which can be affected by the
Overall Transpose parameter (see section 5.4.2).
So if you enter D3, or 62, or +2 (which are all the same note) but hear an Eb3, it’s
probably because the value for the Overall Transposition parameter is set to +1.
5.7.3 Step on/off
You can enable or disable each sequence step by clicking on the small buttons beneath
the note names:
In the screen shot above step 1 has been disabled. Click on the button again and it will
be re-enabled. This does not affect the sequence length, of course; the step is still part
of the sequence but will not play that note.
Remember: Changes made in the MIDI Control Center will also be made in the edit
buffer of BeatStep, but not vice-versa. In other words, if you change a sequence step
using the front panel of BeatStep you’ll need to make them ‘match’ again in order to
have those changes available inside the MIDI Control Center (and to prevent the loss of
There are two methods available for this purpose:
Select the Working Memory in the Memories box and then click Recall (as
described in section 7.1 of the software manual), or
Click the Sync button twice.
5.8 User Scale
Note: If you are not sure what a Scale is you may want to review section 6.2.1 first. In
this section we will only describe how to create your own User Scale.