User Manual

6.5 Sequence settings found only in the MIDI Control Center
There are some very cool sequencer options that can only be accessed through the
included MIDI Control Center software:
6.5.1 Sequencer Channel
By default the Global MIDI channel and Sequencer Channel are set to the same value
(MIDI channel 1). But they can be set independently, so you can control one device with
the encoders and pads in CNTRL mode and play a different device with the sequencer.
You’ll find the Sequencer Channel on the right side of the MIDI Control Center window.
6.5.2 Swing
The Swing setting can shift the timing of the notes in a sequence to lengthen the first
note of a pair and shorten the second note.
Assuming the Step Size is set to 1/8, here’s what happens:
With Swing set to 50% each note gets equal time’, resulting in a ‘straight 1/8
note’ feel
As the Swing value climbs above 50% the first 1/8
note is held longer and
longer and the second is played increasingly later and shorter. You’ll notice the
sequence starts to ‘lilt’ a bit and perhaps sound less ‘mechanical’ to your ear.
The maximum Swing setting is 75%, with the differences between the length and
position of the first and second 1/8
notes being as great as they will become.
Here’s an representation of the minimum and maximum Swing values in musical
The default Swing setting is 50% for each sequence.
6.5.3 Gate Time
With the Legato parameter set to Off (see section 6.5.5 below) it is possible to adjust the
length of all notes in a sequence step by the same amount without changing their
rhythmic relationship. The range of this parameter is from 50% (no change) to 99%
(maximum). At a setting of 99% the Note Off command happens immediately before the
next Note On command.
When the Legato parameter has been enabled the Gate Time setting makes no
difference. But it’ll still be there if you set Legato to Off again.
By default the Gate Time is set to 50%.