Installation and Use

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- Unplug the appliance or switch o the dedicated switch be-
fore performing any operations (risk of personal injury from
- Do not touch the air conditioning unit with wet hands (risk of
personal injury from electrocution).
- When cleaning the appliance, do not climb onto a table or
unstable chair (risk of personal injury due to falling from a
- When removing lters, take care not to touch any metal
parts, especially the heat exchanger inside the internal unit
(risk of personal injury from cuts).
3.1 Cleaning the lters
Cleaning the lters regularly is essential for optimal performance
of the air conditioning unit. For domestic settings, we recommend that
lters be cleaned fortnightly. The need to clean the air lters or replace
the special lters is however indicated on the display, on the basis of the
hours that the air conditioning unit has operated.
Dust lters
By pulling upwards carefully unfasten the lter on the top of the
internal unit ( g. 1). Then remove it by pulling towards you ( g. 2).
Clean them using a vacuum cleaner or wash them in lukewarm
water and neutral detergent. Make sure you dry them thoroughly
before replacing them. Do not leave them exposed to sunlight. Do
not operate the air conditioning unit without the air lters.
Air treatment lters
Open the front panel and remove the dust lters as described
above. Remove the air treatment lters from their seat as illus-
trated in g. 3.
- Platinum lter
These lters must be replaced once they are no longer capable
of performing their task (approx. 24 months).
- Aromatherapy
The lter uses the air ow passing through the air conditioning
unit to di use the desired fragrance within the room. To add
the fragrance, remove the lter as described above; pour the
desired amount of scent onto each end of the lter and at its
centre; position the lter back in its seat.
The ideal amount of scent depends on the type of fragrance
used and individual user preferences: we recommend starting
with small amounts (e.g. 5 ml).
Note: use essential oils speci cally designed as room fragrances.
3.2 Cleaning the air conditioning unit
Clean the Internal Unit and remote control, if necessary, using a
cloth moistened with lukewarm water (no hotter than 40°C) and
mild soap; do not use solvents or aggressive detergents, insecti-
cides or spray cleaners (risk of damaging or corroding the plastic
parts of the appliance).
Take extra care when cleaning the front panel, as it is very easy
to scratch.
If the External Unit battery is clogged up, remove all leaves and
deposits and then wash o all dust with a water jet or some water.
(FIG. 1)
(FIG. 2)
(FIG. 3)