Operation Manual

Appendix B. Theme Tags 157
work, and the comparison is not case sensitive.
B.23. Subline Tags
Tag Description
%t(time) Set the subline display cycle time (%t(5) or %t(3.4) formats)
; Split items on a line into separate sublines
Allows grouping of several items (sublines) onto one line, with the display cycling
round the defined sublines. See section 13.2.4 (page 137) for details.
B.24. Time and Date
Tag Description
%cd Day of month from 01 to 31
%ce Zero padded day of month from 1 to 31
%cf A conditional for 12/24 hour format.
%?cf<24 hour stuff|12 hour stuff>
%cH Zero padded hour from 00 to 23 (24 hour format)
%ck Hour from 0 to 23 (24 hour format)
%cI Zero padded hour from 01 to 12 (am/pm format)
%cl Hour from 1 to 12 (am/pm format)
%cm Month from 01 to 12
%cM Minutes
%cS Seconds
%cy 2-digit year
%cY 4-digit year
%cP Capital AM/PM
%cp Lowercase am/pm
%ca Weekday name
%cb Month name
%cu Day of week from 1 to 7, 1 is Monday
%cw Day of week from 0 to 6, 0 is Sunday
B.25. Text Translation
Tag Description
%Sx(English) Display the translation of “English” in the current language
“English” must be a phrase used in the language file.
The Rockbox manual (version 3.10) Archos Recorder V2/FM