Operation Manual

Chapter 13. Advanced Topics 135
%sThis viewport is displayed permanently. It starts 12px from the left and
%s20px from the top of the screen, and fills the rest of the screen from
%sthat point. The lines will scroll if this text does not fit in the viewport.
%sThe user font is used.
Viewport definition Default value
width/height remaining part of screen
font user defined
Conditional Viewports
Any viewport can be displayed either permanently or conditionally. Defining a viewport
as %V(... will display it permanently.
%Vl(’identifier’,...) This tag preloads a viewport for later display. ‘identifier’
is a single lowercase letter (a-z) and the ‘. . . parameters use the same logic as the
%V tag explained above.
%Vd(’identifier’) Display the ‘identifier’ viewport.
Viewports can share identifiers so that you can display multiple viewports with one
%Vd line.
%sYou could now show a hold icon using the %%xl and %%xd tags.
%s%acYour DAP is locked.
%sYou’ve unlocked your player.
This example checks for hold. Viewport ‘a’ will be displayed if it is on, otherwise view-
port ‘b’ will display a flashing warning.
Note: The tag to display conditional viewports must come before the tag to preload the
viewport in the .wps file.
13.2.3. Info Viewport (SBS only)
As mentioned above, it is possible to set a UI viewport via the theme .cfg file. It is also
possible to set the UI viewport through the SBS file, and to conditionally select different
UI viewports.
The Rockbox manual (version 3.10) Archos Recorder V2/FM