User Manual

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Each round calls out a designated number or area to hit. They are:
Round 1 12 Round 6 16 Round 10 19
Round 2 13 Round 7 17 Round 11 20
Round 3 14 Round 8 Triple (any) Round 12 Bullseye
Round 4 Double (any) Round 9 18 Round 13Double Bullseye
Round 5 15
Points are accumulated by any segment of the designated number for each round. For example:
In the first round, a player must hit 12. Single 12 = 12 points, Double 12 = 24 points, and Triple
12 = 36 points. In round 4 player can choose any double (all three darts can hit a different
double and score), and in round 8, player can choose any triple. If player misses the designated
number or area with all three darts in any round, the players total score is cut in half. The winner
is the player with highest score.
G24 OVER (Game option: L01, L02, L03)
In this game, each player tries to get high score in 3 darts. Once the score is higher than the
highest score (Leader Score) that score will be regarded as Leader Score and the player will
be leader. The leader would not lose nay life. If not becoming a leader, the player will lose a life.
If a leader does not want to challenge and keeps his leaders score, he can press Next Player
button and skips his turn. A leader can also choose to proceed to challenge his own leaders
score but he will also loss lives his scores is lower than the leaders score. The cricket bulbs
represent the number of survivals.
A player who plays up to zero life will be out.
Option Code
No. of Life
G25 BY 5
Each player must get score is multiples by 5 each dart, they are 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45,
50, 60.
The first player get to 60 points is the winner.
G26 BY 10
Each player must get score is multiples by 10 each dart, they are 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, and
then 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10.
Who fastest return to 10 is the winner.
G27 ODDs©
Each player must get score is odd number each dart, start at 1 then sequence to hit 3, 5, 7, 9, 11,
13, 15, 17, 19, 19, 17, 15, 13, 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1.
Who fastest return to 1 is the winner.