
10/100Base-T Ethernet Card Specifications
m Open Transport: Mac OS 7.5.2 or later, AppleShare, AppleTalk, NetWare for Macintosh, TCP/IP
m Connector: RJ-45 (for 10Base-T and 100Base-T)
m Media, 10Base-T: Cat 3, 4, or 5 UTP on 2 pairs up to 100 meters (m)
m Media, 100Base-T: Cat 5 UTP on 2 pairs up to 100 m
m Bus interface: PCI revision 2.0 and 2.1, share interrupt A
m Channel speeds: IEEE Auto Negotiation of 10Base-T and 100Base-T
m Communications: IEEE 802.3u 100Base-T; IEEE 802.3i 10Base-T
m Controllers: DECchip 21140, 32-bit internal processor per channel
m Power: 1.2 amperes (A) @ 5 volts (V) typical
Ultra Wide SCSI Hard Disk Drive and PCI Card
If your computer came with an Ultra Wide SCSI hard disk drive, it includes some or all of the
following components:
m an internal Ultra Wide SCSI hard disk drive
m in certain configurations, additional internal Ultra Wide SCSI hard disk drives
m an Ultra Wide SCSI card in one of your computer’s PCI slots
m an internal Ultra Wide SCSI cable that supports up to three internal devices (including your
pre-installed Ultra Wide hard disks)
Warning Do not connect any SCSI devices to the external 68-pin SCSI-3 connector or
to the internal 50-pin SCSI-2 connector on the PCI card that supports the internal hard
disk. Connecting even one external SCSI device to the external 68-pin connector
extends the overall cable length of the SCSI bus beyond the limit for which error-free
operation can be guaranteed; the combined length of the internal cable and the
external cable reduces the reliability of all the devices connected to the Ultra Wide
SCSI bus. Connecting a device to the internal 50-pin SCSI-2 connector will cause your
Ultra Wide SCSI devices to transfer data at the slower, SCSI-2 rate.
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