
Battery pack containing sealed lead acid batteries Page 9 to 14
Version: 1
Date: October, 13
, 2015
Potential Health Effects
Acute (Immediate)
Lead - For industry, inhalation is much more important than is ingestion. Systemic effects
include loss of appetite, anemia, malaise, insomnia, headache, irritability, muscle and joint
pains, tremors, flaccid paralysis without anesthesia, hallucinations and distorted
perceptions, muscle weakness, gastritis and liver changes. Major organ systems affected
are the nervous system, blood system and kidneys. Experimental evidence suggests that
blood levels of lead below 10 μg/dL can lower the IQ scores of children. Low levels of lead
impair neurotransmission and immune system function and may increase systolic blood
pressure. Reversible kidney damage can occur from acute exposure. Sulfuric Acid -
Experimental poison by inhalation.
Chronic (Delayed)
Lead - Chronic exposure can lead to irreversible vascular sclerosis, tubular cell atrophy,
interstitial fibrosis, and glomerular sclerosis. Very heavy intoxication can sometimes be
detected by formation of a dark line on the gum margins. Sulfuric acid - Repeated or
prolonged inhalation of sulfuric acid mist can cause inflammation of the upper respiratory
tract, leading to chronic bronchitis. Severe exposure may cause chemical pneumonitis.
Erosion of tooth enamel due to strong acid fume exposure has been observed in industry.
Workers exposed to low concentrations of the vapors gradually lose their sensitivity to its
irritating action. Occupational exposures to strong-acid mists containing sulfuric acid have
been associated with several respiratory tract cancers. However, there is no animal data
supporting the carcinogenicity of sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid has been found to be non-
mutagenic, and in two studies of workers employed in lead acid battery manufacture, no
association between sulfuric acid mist exposure and respiratory tract cancers was
Acute (Immediate)
Sulfuric Acid - Extremely irritating, corrosive, and toxic to tissue, resulting in rapid
destruction of tissue, causing severe burns. If much skin is involved, exposure is
accompanied by shock, collapse and symptoms similar to those seen in severe burns.
Repeated contact with dilute solutions can cause dermatitis.
Chronic (Delayed)
No Data Available
Acute (Immediate)
Causes serious eye damage.
Chronic (Delayed)
No Data Available
Acute (Immediate)
Lead - Poison by ingestion in large dosages and with prolonged exposure leading to the
same effects as seen in exposure by inhalation. Adults absorb 5-15% of ingested lead and
retain less than 5%. Children absorb about 50% and retain about 30%. Sulfuric Acid -
Moderately toxic by ingestion.
Chronic (Delayed)
No Data Available
Lead - Severe toxicity can cause sterility, abortion, and neonatal mortality and morbidity.
Experimental teratogen. Experimental reproductive effects. Pathological lesions have been
found on male gonads. Sulfuric Acid - Experimental teratogen.
Repeated and prolonged exposure may cause cancer.