
20 NetShelter VS Enclosure
Horizontal Braces
Each side of the enclosure has two horizontal braces between the vertical frame posts. These
adjustable braces support the vertical mounting rails and can be used to manage cables.
How to move a brace
1. Use the 5-mm hex wrench (provided) to remove the four hex-head screws that are holding the
brace to the frame posts.
2. Remove the caged nuts from the frame post.
3. Locate the new position for the brace and secure the brace to the frame posts:
a. Insert a caged nut into the appropriate holes at the new position on the frame posts.
b. Place the brace at the new position and insert a hex-head screw through the brace, frame post,
and caged nut. Tighten the screw.
See “How to install and remove caged nuts” on page 21.