Installation guide

84 Installation Guide Silcon DP300E 208V/480V 10-80 kVA
7OY0002 US rev. 04
Connections - with converter:
When buying a converter solution, the enclosed manual will explain how the connec-
tions must be made. Please follow this manual carefully.
As an example, the connection of the Black box: ME 800A-E (current loop) will be
described in the following by Table 3.
Table 3: Pin connections from host to ME 800A-E and from ME 800A-E to
Remote display
Host ME 800A-E Inter- ME 800A-E Remote display
(DTE) (DCT) connection (DCT) (DTE)
Pin no. Pin no. Pin. no. Pin no.
2 (TXD) 2 3 2 (RXD)
3 (RXD) 3 2 3 (TXD)
7 (GND) 7 7 5 (GND)
House (Shield) No connection No connection House (Shield)
The ME 800A-E must be set up as a DCT with no RTS/DTR control.
The interconnection cable is a 4 wire twisted pair telephone cable with or without
shield. The shield improves noise immunity but reduces the maximum communica-
tion distance.
8.7.2 Installation of remote display Connecting RS232C and mains adapter
Back view
1. Loosen the bolts
by turning 180°
2. Remove front cover