User Guide

AMI BIOS Utility
System Keyboard
Set this parameter to Present if there is a keyboard connected to the
system. Otherwise, select Absent.
Primary Display
This function detects the type of VGA in use. The selections are VGA/EGA,
CGA 40 x 25, CGA 80 x 25, Mono, and Absent. The
default setting is VGA/EGA.
Password Check
This parameter allows you to use the password feature. When set to
Always, a user-password prompt appears every time you turn on the
computer. When set to Setup, the password prompt appears when you try to
enter setup. The optimal and fail-safe default setting is Setup.
Parity Check
Set this parameter to Enabled if you install SIMMs with parity in your
system. Otherwise, set this parameter to Disabled. Since the DRAM can
still operate without using the parity scheme for SIMMs with parity, this
function is normally set to Disabled.
OS/2 Compatible Mode
Enable the parameter if you have an OS/2 operating system installed in your
system. Otherwise, set this to Disabled. The default setting is
Internal Cache
This function lets you enable or disable the internal cache.
External Cache
This function lets you enable or disable the external cache.