
FA Inspector (AOI) Scanner
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FocalSpot, Inc. | www.FocalSpot.com
Aligning CXF to the Scanned PCB Image.
a. Doing so will prompt you to identify (3) three components used to scale and align the CXF data
to the scanned PCB image (same as standard new board setups).
b. NOTE: Make sure you have checked the <Auto-Train Enable> check box in the
<Confirm/Adjust Device Position> dialog box.
10. After identifying the (3
) third device the system will automatically begin finding and training all
components previously defined in the Inherited Library; only stopping if a discrepancy or new device is
found. Train these new devices, fine tune the test routine and save the final BSU file. This becomes
your new or latest (updated library) for this series of boards, which can then be used as the master
(inherit) library for future board revisions --- and so on. See Fine Tuning AOI Mode Inspection Routines.
IMPORTANT! Always review your templates for good form and delete any poorly created templates.
See Editing / Deleting Templates.