
FA Inspector (AOI) Scanner
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FocalSpot, Inc. | www.FocalSpot.com
Draw Device Outline
Toggle in and out of the display Device outline mode
Rotate BSU to 90°
Rotates the Board Program in 90° steps
Inspect Active Area
Inspects the Devices in the current field-of-view of the Image
Show Device List Box
Displays the Device list dialog
Set Pass Score
Launches the following dialog to allow users to set the default
pass score on the Devices. The highest score is 1000, the
lowest is zero. High scores reduce the system's tolerance for
Device variations or differences in appearance, while too low
scores can allow wrong Devices to pass. The default is 700.
High false failures indicate the score is set too high, while high
false accepts indicate the score is too low.
Center Search Area
Automatically centers the search area on all Devices.
Modify Search Areas
Globally changes the search area for all Devices.
Go to Position
Moves the Image to a specified XY position. The user can enter
the XY position. This is a utility command not available in
Operator Mode
Set Position
Sets the current position to the position specified by the user.
This is a utility command not normally used by users
Align Board
Define Board Size
Starts the process to define the board size
Define Alignment Marks
Starts training alignment marks (fiducials) to properly register
and align a board
Edit Alignment
Opens and edit dialog box, where alignment parameters can be
Calibrate Stage
XY Table Calibration for the top stage
Move to Z Ref. Position
Not used
Bottom Stage Dialog
Bottom Stage position sysnc setup
Magnification Select
Selects magnification 1 to 4, same as pressing the buttons on
the toolbar
Display Live
Displays video in the Video 1 display window
Captures the current image and displays it frozen on the video
Calculate Inspection
Set effective field-of-view
Board Setup Rule
Template Quality Check
Defines a ROI used for template quality inspection