User Manual

Zen Tour Synergy Core User Manual 46
Late Reflection Delay
Among other things, AuraVerb calculates reflected energy from the side walls and ceiling
of the virtual space. Late Reflection Delay controls the delay of these bursts of reflections,
either creating echoes or supporting the spatial impression of the simulated acoustic
Richness controls the complexity of the reverb envelopment and dampening nuances. At
“0” there is less dampening and a brighter decay. This sound is light or airy, but by
increasing the Richness, you can add a sense of spaciousness to the sound and smoothly
increase reverb time for lower frequencies.
Reverb Time & Room Size
Reverb Time controls the length of decay, while Room Size increases the virtual space
dimensions. The perceived decay time will also be affected by Richness and Color on
sources with a lot of high frequency content.
Generally, as the size of the space increases, the Reverb Time will also increase.
Setting Reverb Time to 50% gives a natural sounding tail for all room sizes. Interesting big
spaces or subtle ambience reverbs can be created by setting Reverb Time unusually high
or low with respect to the Room Size parameter.
Output Level
This is the output level control of the reverb. Since inputs for AuraVerb are assigned to
Send knobs on Mixer 1’s channels, we recommend balancing the channel volume
levels from the Send controls and using Output Level to adjust the amount of reverb in the
Master bus.
Use it to enable and disable AuraVerb.