User Manual

Zen Tour Synergy Core User Manual 40
Project session
The Project Session lets you save and load projects. Click the drop-down menu to choose
a project. Click the ‘Save’ button to save a project. Click the ‘Load’ button to load a project.
Project sessions are complete "snapshots" of entire Control Panel configurations. When
Saving a session, you can choose the exact components you want stored and export
Session files for storage and sharing from the Save As button. When loading a session, you
can browse your computer for session files and choose which components to load.
Hardware presets
Use the Save and Load buttons to save or load a preset into the chosen slot.
Info Tab
This tab contains helpful links and information useful when troubleshooting. Contact Tech
Support, read the online manual or get access to Antelope Audio’s contacts. It also lets you
launch the Antelope Registration Wizard to register/unregister Antelope Audio devices
from your account and assign/unassign purchased effects and functionality between them.
The Control Panel, Routing and FX buttons will take you to a webpage, explaining more
about each feature.
Control Tabs
Access the Routing, Mixer, AFX, and Metering control tabs with the control tab: