User Guide

Auto-Tune Tutorial
38 Auto-Tune UserÕs Manual
tings...Ó and ÒImport Settings...Ó options of the ÒEffectÓ menu.The shared
clipboard, ÒExport Settings...Ó, ÒImport Settings...Ó and the Make Curve
button can be used in combination to create and use libraries of vibratos
and other pitch gestures.
In Cubase, the slider settings and the popup menu settings are saved and
restored by VSP. These can also be saved and restored by you with the
ÒFileÓ popup in the effects rack.
Finally, expect some strange results. I have one example where the singer
relaxes at the end of a phrase. The pitch drops a minor third, which is easily
corrected by a short, ßat line segment and a small Retune value. But, in
addition to the pitch dropping, the tone quality of the voice also softens.
Getting the pitch right still leaves this strange sound...