User Guide

Auto-Tune Tutorial
34 Auto-Tune UserÕs Manual
¥ The second technique is to draw a ßat line segment across the duration
of a tone at the desired pitch and then use the Retune slider set in the
range 20 to 40. This has the effect of gently moving the pitch downwards
the desired pitch. The slower values of 20 to 40 will let through a vibrato
but still draw the overall pitch closer to being in tune. The average pitch
will eventually settle to the given line and the pitch gestures will occur
both sharper and ßatter than that line. The settling time is about twice
the Retune slider time. 20 to 40 will let through about one-half of a typi-
cal vibrato. Slower settings will let through more vibrato but will cause
the new pitch to be reached more slowly.
Lesson 6: Using the Make Auto Button
The make auto button allows you to create pitch corrections that occur in
the Automatic Mode.
1. Setup the “Crowd All” file for processing through Auto-Tune.
2. In TDM, assign Auto-Tune as a new insert to the desired track. In
Cubase, select “No Effect” then select “Auto-Tune”. This will initialize the
controls to known values.
3. Press the Graphical Mode button.
4. Press the Track Pitch button.
5. Play the “Crowd All” file.