User's Manual

4. General Handling of Firearms
Firearms are dangerous objects requiring the utmost
care in their storage and use. The following safety
and warning instructions must be observed without
4.1 Important Basics
I A fi rearm must only ever be used for its designat-
ed purpose.
I Firearms owners are responsible for ensuring that
their fi rearm is at no time, and especially when
absent, within reach of or accessible to children
or other unauthorized persons.
I Firearms must not be handed over to unautho-
rized persons.
I Only original ANSCHÜTZ magazines may be
I The specifi ed capacity of the magazine may not
be exceeded.
I Changes to the fi rearm or the use of non-original
ANSCHÜTZ magazines and accessories can
cause malfunction and will automatically void
Before using the fi rearm, the user manual
must absolutely be read through carefully.
The fi rearm may be transferred only if it is
accompanied by this user manual.
The fi rearms legislation of the relevant
country is defi nitive and must be complied
The use of fi rearms under the infl uence
of drugs, alcohol, and medications is not
allowed. Vision, dexterity, and power
of judgement can be impaired. A good
physical and mental state is a prerequisite
for the use of a fi rearm.
I Serious or life-threatening injuries and damages
can be caused by the use of improper ammu-
nitions, through contaminations in the barrel, or
through improper cartridge components.
I Firearms modifi ed in a way that could affect
safety must not be used. If a fault or malfunction
is detected, the fi rearm must be unloaded and
taken to an authorised gunsmith for repair.
I In the event of external effects (e.g. corrosion,
being dropped, etc.), the fi rearm must be
checked by an authorised gunsmith.
I A fi rearm must always be treated with the utmost
caution and must be secured against falls and
protected from accidental damage.