
Rev. C | Page 44 of 56
Data Bit
Type Name Description
07 [27:0] 0 TESTMODE Test operation only. Set to 0.
08 [27:0] 0 TESTMODE Test operation only. Set to 0.
09 [27:0] 0 TESTMODE Test operation only. Set to 0.
0A [27:0] 0 TESTMODE Test operation only. Set to 0.
0B [27:0] 0 TESTMODE Test operation only. Set to 0.
0C [27:0] 0 TESTMODE Test operation only. Set to 0.
0D [0] 0 VD CLIDIVIDE CLI divide.
1 = divide CLI input frequency by 2.
[3:1] 0 TESTMODE Test operation only. Set to 0.
[27:4] Unused Set unused bits to 0.
0E [27:0] Unused Set unused register to 0, if accessed.
0F [27:0] Unused Set unused register to 0, if accessed.
Table 25. Miscellaneous Registers
Data Bit
Type Name Description
10 [0] 0 SCK SW_RST Software reset. Bit self-clears to 0 when a reset occurs.
1 = reset Address 0x00 to Address 0xFF to default values.
[27:1] Unused Set unused bits to 0.
11 [0] 0 VD OUT_CONTROL Output control.
0 = make all outputs dc inactive.
1 = enable outputs at next VD edge.
[27:1] Unused Set unused bits to 0.
12 [1:0] 0 TESTMODE Test operation only. Set to 0.
[27:2] Unused Set unused bits to 0.
13 [0] 0 TESTMODE Test operation only. Set to 0.
[27:1] Unused Set unused bits to 0.
14 [0] 0 SCK TGCORE_RST Timing core reset bar.
0 = hold in reset.
1 = resume operation.
[27:1] Unused Set unused bits to 0.
15 [0] 0 SCK CLI_BIAS Enable bias for CLI input (see Figure 9).
0 = disable bias (CLI input is dc-coupled).
1 = enable bias (CLI input is ac-coupled).
[27:1] Unused Set unused bits to 0.
16 [0] 0
Test operation only. Set to 0.
[27:1] Unused Set unused bits to 0.
17 [12:0] 0 SCK UPDATE
Serial interface update line. Sets the line (HD) within the field to
update the VD-updated registers. Disabled when PREVENTUP = 1.
[13] 0 PREVENTUP Prevents normal update of VD-updated registers.
0 = normal update at VD.
1 = prevent update of VD-updated registers.
[27:14] Unused Set unused bits to 0.
18 [27:0] 0 TESTMODE Test operation only. Set to 0.
19 [27:0] 0 TESTMODE Test operation only. Set to 0.
1A to 1F [27:0] Unused Set unused registers to 0.