
Pin No. Mnemonic Description
1 AGND1 Analog Ground. Used as the ground reference point for the REF pin.
2–5, 25–28 VxA, VxB Analog Input. Refer to Table I for input range configuration.
6 BIP Bipolar Offset. Connect VxA inputs to provide Bipolar input range.
7 CAP Reference Buffer Output. Connect a 2.2 µF tantalum capacitor between CAP and Analog
8 REF Reference Input/Output. The internal +2.5 V reference is available at this pin. Alternatively an
external reference can be used to override the internal reference. In either case, connect a 2.2 µF
tantalum capacitor between REF and Analog Ground.
9 AGND2 Analog Ground.
10 R/C Read/Convert Input. Used to control the conversion and read modes. With CS LOW, a falling
edge on R/C holds the analog input signal internally and starts a conversion; a rising edge enables
the transmission of the conversion result.
11 V
Digital Power Supply. Nominally +5 V.
12 PWRD Power-Down Input. When set to a logic HIGH, power consumption is reduced and conversions
are inhibited. The conversion result from the previous conversion is stored in the onboard shift
13 EXT/INT Digital select input for choosing the internal or an external data clock. With EXT/INT tied LOW,
after initiating a conversion, 16 DATACLK pulses transmit the previous conversion result as
shown in Figure 3. With EXT/INT set to a Logic HIGH, output data is synchronized to an
external clock signal connected to the DATACLK input. Data is output as indicated in Figure 4
through Figure 9.
14 DGND Digital Ground.
15 SYNC Digital output frame synchronization for use with an external data clock (EXT/INT = Logic
HIGH). When a read sequence is initiated, a pulse one DATACLK period wide is output
synchronous to the external data clock.
16 DATACLK Serial data clock input or output, dependent upon the logic state of the EXT/INT pin. When
using the internal data clock (EXT/INT = Logic LOW), a conversion start sequence will initiate
transmission of 16 DATACLK periods. Output data is synchronous to this clock and is valid on
both its rising and falling edges (Figure 3). When using an external data clock (EXT/INT = Logic
HIGH), the CS and R/C signals control how conversion data is accessed.
17 DATA The serial data output is synchronized to DATACLK. Conversion results are stored in an on-
chip register. The AD974 provides the conversion result, MSB first, from its internal shift regis-
ter. When using the internal data clock (EXT/INT = Logic LOW), DATA is valid on both the
rising and falling edges of DATACLK. Using an external data clock (EXT/INT = Logic HIGH)
allows previous conversion data to be accessed during a conversion (Figures 5, 7 and 9) or the
conversion result can be accessed after the completion of a conversion (Figures 4, 6 and 8).
18, 19 WR1, WR2 Multiplexer Write Inputs. These inputs are internally ORed to generate the mux latch inputs.
The latch is transparent when WR1 and WR2 are tied low.
20 CS Chip Select Input. With R/C LOW, a falling edge on CS will initiate a conversion. With R/C
HIGH, a falling edge on CS will enable the serial data output sequence.
21 BUSY Busy Output. Goes LOW when a conversion is started, and remains LOW until the conversion is
completed and the data is latched into the on-chip shift register.
22, 23 A1, A0 Address multiplexer inputs latched with the WR1, WR2 inputs.
A1 A0 Data Available from Channel
00AIN 1
01AIN 2
10AIN 3
11AIN 4
24 V
Analog Power Supply. Nominally +5 V.