
Table Of Contents
Rev. B | Page 39 of 52
The AD9640 has a SYNC input that allows the user flexible
synchronization options for synchronizing the internal blocks.
The clock divider sync feature is useful to guarantee synchronized
sample clocks across multiple ADCs. The signal monitor block
can also be synchronized using the SYNC input allowing properties
of the input signal to be measured during a specific time period.
The input clock divider can be enabled to synchronize on a single
occurrence of the sync signal or on every occurrence. The signal
monitor block is synchronized on every SYNC input signal.
The SYNC input is internally synchronized to the sample clock;
however, to ensure there is no timing uncertainty between multiple
parts, the SYNC input signal should be externally synchronized to
the input clock signal, meeting the setup and hold times shown
in Table 8. The SYNC input should be driven using a single-
ended CMOS-type signal.