
NetLinx Security within the Web Server
NetLinx Security - Web Server
The first Active frame displayed within the Browser is the Manage WebControl Connections page.
Default Security Configuration
Security for web pages is separated into two access groups: HTTP and Configuration:
HTTP Access allows an authorized user to view these web pages by first requiring the
entry of a username and password at the beginning of every connection session with the
target Master. If Master Security is not enabled, the username and password fields are
not displayed and the Master is openly accessible. The Master Security configuration
prevents users from altering any security or operational parameters. Unless this option is
enabled, all subordinate options are inaccessible and greyed-out.
Configuration access is initially greyed-out until the Master Security option is enabled.
This feature requires an authorized user provide a valid username and password before
being granted access to change configuration and communication parameters on the
target Master. Only with this type of access can a user begin to alter security or
operational parameters such as access rights, Port assignments, System values, and SSL
certificate usage.
If a user is not currently logged-into the Master (via the initial Login screen) and they attempt to
access a feature wherein authentication is required, they are prompted with a message to log into
the Master (via the Log In button) (FIG. 46). After the user’s information and rights are confirmed,
the login process is successfully completed and the button changes state and displays Log Out. A
user must be logged into the system before their associated rights can be activated for the current
FIG. 45 Browser Application frames