
Serial Control Strings
Mi Series and Tango Audio Controllers
Status Messages (Cont.)
CSTv,h,m,s Clock Status, where:
1) ‘v’ is the clock version
2) ‘h’ is the hour, valid values are from 0-23
3) ‘m’ is the minute, valid values are from 0-59
4) ‘s’ is the second, valid values are from 0-59
CALMr,s,v,h,m Alarm Status, where:
1) 'r' is the room, (0-64)
0: all zones have no alarm set
2) 's' is the source, (0-8)
0: no alarm is set
1-8: alarm is set for the corresponding source
3) 'v' is the volume, (0-70, 101)
101 : Mute
70..0 : -70..0 dB
4) 'h' is the hour, (0-23)
5) 'm' is the minute, (0-59)
RSSTx,y,z General Sirius Radio Status, where:
1) ‘x’ is the Sirius number (1-2)
2) ‘y’ is the Sirius Status Index (0-7)
3) ‘z’ is the Status Message
Refer to Status Codes for SIRIUS Tuner on page 79 for more info.
RSIDx,y Sirius Radio ID Status, where:
1) ‘x’ is the Sirius number (1-2)
2) ‘y’ is the Sirius Radio ID String (36 char max)
RSCIx`y`s`z`c`t`a`p Sirius Radio Channel Status, where:
1) ‘x’ is the Sirius number (1-2)
2) ‘y’ is the Channel number (3 digits)
3) ‘s’ is the Service ID (3 digits)
4) ‘z’ (0=play, 1=no play)
5) ‘c’ is the Channel Name (36 characters max)
6) ‘t’ is the Title (36 characters max)
7) ‘a’ is the Artist (36 characters max)
8) ‘p’ is the Composer (36 characters max)
Note: Because commas can be used in each description, each variable is separated
with an accent (‘) symbol.
RSCTx`y`z Sirius Radio Category Status, where:
1) 'x' is the Sirius number (1-2)
2) 'y' is the Category number (0-99)
3) 'z' is the Category name (eg. Pop)
RSCHs,x,y,z Sirius Radio Channel Number Status, where:
1) ‘s’ is the Sirius number (1-2)
2) ‘x’ is the Category number (0-99)
3) ‘y’ is the Channel number (3 digits)
4) ‘z’ is the Service ID (3 digits)