Corporation PC Presenter Computer Control Instruction Manual

PC Presenter
The device can be 1 of the 255 devices in an Axcess, Axcent, Axcent2, Axcent3, AXB-MPE, or
AXB-EM232 system. The device number must match the device assignment in the Axcess
program. AMX assigns device numbers into the following three segments:
Cards - 1 through 95
Boxes - 96 through 127
Panels - 128 through 255
Set the device number by setting the device DIP switch. The device number is the total of all of the
switches in the ON (down) position. The following table shows the switch numbers and their
corresponding values.
As an example, the following DIP switch settings define the AXR-MSE as device number 97
(1 + 32 + 64 = 97).
Using the PC Presenter Without a PC Computer
You may want to use the AXR-MSE without a PC computer in certain applications. To use the
AXR-MSE and a keyboard without the PC attached, you must set the AXR-MSE's internal slide
switches. The internal switches are located on the circuit card inside the MSE enclosure, as shown
in FIG. 11.
The device number takes effect only on power-up.
Device DIP switch
positions and values
Position Value
The AXR-MSE can operate without a keyboard. When the unit powers up it checks to
see if there is a keyboard attached. If there is not, the unit resets (approx. 5 sec. later)
and boots into a mode where it never checks the external keyboard again. You have
to cycle power in order for the keyboard to be recognized.