User`s guide

Operation and Maintenance
HDD Test
(1) Outline
Random read test
This test reads randomly-selected blocks from a media and check if the data is properly
When the blocks are read 200 times, the test round counts up one
(This does not mean all the blocks on the disk can be read in one round).
(2) Message
1. Standard message
Message Content
Device information is as
Vendor name : xx
Product name : xx
Firmware rev. : xx
Channel : xx
SCSI ID : xx
LUN : xx
Vender name of device, product name, FW revision and
others are displayed.
Random read test start. Randomly reading test is started.
Total block : xx
Block size : xx
Test start block : xx
Test end block : xx
Transfer block : xx
Test information is displayed.
Test is finished normally. Test ended normally.