User`s guide

Operation and Maintenance
MT Test
(1) Outline
MT reading test
This test starts reading from the top block on a magnetic media and checks if the data is
properly transmitted.
When the blocks are read once, the test round counts up one.
Test ends after the test is executed for ten rounds.
Before the test for assembled type MT device is executed, move the media from the
magazine to the drive since it is not allowed moving the drive from the magazine. If the
media is not moved, the error as below will occur.
Check condition Key:2, ASC:3a, ASCQ:00 Medium not present
Using a medium with no data written ends the test abnormally (fail).
Check condition key:8, ASC:14, ASCQ:03 End-of-data not found
When using a new medium for the test, create the test medium with command such as dd
(Example: dd if=xxxxxx of=xxxxxx bs=512)
(2) Message
1. Standard message
Message Content
Device information is as follows.
Vendor name : xx
Product name : xx
Firmware rev. : xx
Channel : xx
SCSI ID : xx
LUN : xx
Vender name of device, product name, FW revision
and others are displayed.
MT read test start. MT reading test is started.
Block size : xx
Transfer block : xx
Read buffer : xx
Test information is displayed.
Test is finished normally. Test ended normally.