User`s guide

Register new user account information.
(5) User Name
Enter new user name.
Up to 16 characters of one-byte alphanumeric characters and “_”, “-” of ASCII character
code can be used for user name.
(6) Password
Enter password.
Up to 20 characters of one-byte alphanumeric characters and symbols can be entered
for password.
(7) Confirm Password
Enter password for confirmation.
Up to 20 characters of one-byte alphanumeric characters and symbols can be entered
for the password for confirmation, which must be the same as (6).
(8) Network Privileges
Select privilege level (Administrator, Operator, User) to be assigned to user account.
(9) Clicking “Add” enables to set the information of (5)-(8). The screen moves to the initial
screen of User Management after setting is completed.
(10) Clicking “Cancel” enables to move to the initial screen of User Management.