User`s guide

Power Cable
Unmount the power cable by following the procedure below.
1. Refer to “Preparation for Mounting/Unmounting” for preparation.
2. Confirm that the DC powers of all servers in the system are OFF before turning off the AC
a) Turn OFF the PDU switch when using PDU (outlet box).
b) Turn OFF UPS when using UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply).
Turn off the breaker to ensure safety if not applied to the above cases.
Confirm that the Status LED of the power supply unit is OFF after turning off the AC
3. Remove the forming of the power cable and unmount power cables from PDU, UPS, etc.,
and from the power supply unit on the rear side of the server. Ensure that connection
destination can be determined at this time. Refer to the following description for unmounting
the power cable from the power supply unit.
(1) Remove the repeat tie and the clamp. The clamp is removable by pulling the lock toward
the direction shown in the figure below.
Repeat tie