User's Manual

WebGUI Statistics
This window, shows the value of multiple counters in ethernet ports on the local network. Counters are
grouped into two groups; received data and sent data.
Figure 30: LAN (Local Area Network) - Statistics
Parameter Description
Interface LAN 1, LAN 2
Bytes Received bytes
Packets Packets Received
Drops Packets Drops
Bytes Transmitted bytes
Packets Packets Transmitted
Drops Packets Drops
Tabel 18: LAN (Local Area Network) – Statistics
In this window, you can perform two actions by using the buttons in the top right corner of the page:
refresh the page and restart the counters. Static Leases
In this window, Figure 32, it is possible to assign an IP address to an ethernet interface of a device on
the LAN, in a static way. This means that the DHCP server will always assign the IP address to the
Ethernet interface with the identified MAC address.
Figure 31: LAN (Local Area Network) – Static Leases