User guide

Figure 7-2: Power-up Calibration Sequence for PCIe HIP and non-PCIe Channels
Bank 1
Bank 2
Bank ...
fPLL Calibration
ATX PLL Calibration
fPLL Calibration
ATX PLL Calibration
CDR / CMU Calibration
PCIe Channels Calibration
Non-PCIe Channels Calibration
Bank 1
Bank 2
Bank ...
Vreg Calibration for all
transceiver banks and channels
CDR / CMU PLL Calibration
RX Offset
Cancellation Calibration
TX termination and
Vod Calibration
RX Offset
Cancellation Calibration
TX termination and
Vod Calibration
User Recalibration
You must recalibrate the transceivers after reconfiguring the transceiver channel or the PLLs, especially
after a rate change.
You can initiate the recalibration process by writing to the specific recalibration registers. You must also
reset the transceivers after performing user recalibration. For example, if you perform data rate auto-
negotiation that involves PLL reconfiguration, and PLL and channel interface switching, then you must
reset the transceivers.
User Recalibration
Altera Corporation
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