User guide
Parameter Value Description
Enable ODI acceleration logic On / Off Enables soft logic for accelerating bit and error
accumulation when using ODI.
Configuration file prefix User-
Specifies the file prefix used for generating configuration
files. Use a unique prefix for configuration files for each
variant of the Native PHY.
Generate SystemVerilog
package file
On / Off Creates a SystemVerilog package file that contains the
current configuration data values for all reconfiguration
addresses. Disabled by default.
Generate C header file On / Off Creates a C header file that contains the current configu‐
ration data values for all reconfiguration addresses.
Disabled by default.
Generate MIF (Memory
Initialize File)
On / Off Creates a MIF file that contains the current configuration
data values for all reconfiguration addresses. Disabled by
Enable multiple reconfigura‐
tion profiles
On / Off Use the Parameter Editor to store multiple configura‐
tions. The parameter settings for each profile are
tabulated in the Parameter Editor.
Enable embedded reconfigu‐
ration streamer
On / Off Embeds the reconfiguration streamer into the Native
PHY IP and automates the dynamic reconfiguration
process between multiple predefined configuration
Generate reduced reconfigu‐
ration files
On / Off Enables the Native PHY IP to generate reconfiguration
files that contain only the attributes that differ between
multiple profiles.
Number of reconfiguration
1 to 8 Specifies the number of reconfiguration profiles to
support when multiple reconfiguration profiles are
Selected reconfiguration
0 to 7 Selects which reconfiguration profile to store when you
click Store profile.
Store configuration to
selected profile
N/A Stores the current Native PHY parameter settings to the
profile specified by the Selected reconfiguration profile
Load configuration from
selected profile
N/A Loads the current Native PHY with parameter settings
from the stored profile specified by the Selected reconfi‐
guration profile parameter.
Clear selected profile N/A Clears the stored Native PHY parameter settings for the
profile specified by the Selected reconfiguration profile
parameter. An empty profile defaults to the current
parameter settings of the Native PHY. In other words, an
empty profile reflects the Native PHY’s current
parameter settings.
Ports and Parameters
Altera Corporation
Reconfiguration Interface and Dynamic Reconfiguration
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