User guide

Name Range Description
Enable TX PLL reset control On /Off When On, the Transceiver PHY Reset
Controller IP core enables the reset control of
the TX PLL. When Off, the TX PLL reset
control is disabled.
pll_powerdown duration 1-999999999 Specifies the duration of the PLL powerdown
period in ns. The value is rounded up to the
nearest clock cycle. The default value is 1000 ns.
Synchronize reset input for PLL
On /Off When On, the Transceiver PHY Reset
Controller synchronizes the PLL powerdown
reset with the Transceiver PHY Reset Controller
input clock. When Off, the PLL powerdown
reset is not synchronized.
TX Channel
Enable TX channel reset control On /Off When On, the Transceiver PHY Reset
Controller enables the control logic and
associated status signals for TX reset. When Off,
disables TX reset control and status signals.
Use separate TX reset per channel On /Off When On, each TX channel has a separate reset.
When Off, the Transceiver PHY Reset
Controller uses a shared TX reset controller for
all channels.
TX digital reset mode Auto, Manual,
Expose Port
Specifies the Transceiver PHY Reset Controller
behavior when the pll_locked signal is
deasserted. The following modes are available:
Auto—The associated tx_digitalreset
controller automatically resets whenever the
pll_locked signal is deasserted.
Manual—The associated tx_digitalreset
controller is not reset when the pll_locked
signal is deasserted, allowing you to choose
corrective action.
Expose Port—The tx_manual signal is a
top-level signal of the IP core. You can
dynamically change this port to Auto or
Manual. (1= Manual , 0 = Auto)
tx_digitalreset duration
1-999999999 Specifies the time in ns to continue to assert the
tx_digitalreset after the reset input and all
other gating conditions are removed. The value
is rounded up to the nearest clock cycle. The
default value is 20 ns.
pll_locked input hysteresis 0-999999999 Specifies the amount of hysteresis in ns to add
to the pll_locked status input to filter spurious
unreliable assertions of the pll_locked signal.
A value of 0 adds no hysteresis. A higher value
filters glitches on the pll_locked signal.
Transceiver PHY Reset Controller Parameters
Altera Corporation
Resetting Transceiver Channels
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