User guide

Complete the following steps to compile the simulation model libraries using the Simulation Library
1. On the Tools menu, click Launch Simulation Library Compiler.
2. Under EDA simulation tool, for the Tool name, select your simulation tool.
3. Under Executable location, browse to the location of the simulation tool you specified. You must
specify this location before you can run the EDA Simulation Library Compiler.
4. Under Library families, select one or more family names and move them to the Selected families list.
5. Under Library language, select Verilog, VHDL, or both.
6. In the Output directory field, specify a location to store the compiled libraries.
7. Click Start Compilation.
Complete the following steps to add the simulation files to your project:
1. On the Assignments menu, click Settings.
2. In the Category list, select Files.
3. Click Browse to open the Select File dialog box and select one or more files in the Files list to add to
your project.
4. Click Open, and then Add to add the selected file(s) to your project.
5. Click OK to close the Settings dialog box.
Related Information
Preparing for EDA Simulation
Altera Simulation Models
How to Generate Scripts
When you compile your design, the Quartus II software and Qsys automatically generate simulation
scripts for the supported third-party simulation tools. You can also use the ip-make-simscript utility to
generate scripts for multiple IP cores or a Qsys system.
Custom Simulation Scripts
You can automate simulations by creating customized scripts. You can generate scripts manually. In
addition, you can use NativeLink to generate a simulation script as a template and then make the
necessary changes. The following table shows a list of script directories NativeLink generates.
Table 2-196: NativeLink Generated Scripts for Third-Party RTL Simulation
Simulator Simulation File Use
Mentor Graphics ModelSim or
/simulation/ modelsim/modelsim_
Source directly with your
simulator. Run do msim_
setup.tcl, followed by ld_
debug. If you have more than
one IP, each IP has a dedicated
msim_setup.tcl file. Make sure
that you combine all the files
included in the msim_setup.tcl
files into one common msim_
setup.tcl file.
How to Generate Scripts
Altera Corporation
Implementing Protocols in Arria 10 Transceivers
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