User guide

Name Direction Clock Domain Description
Output Asynchronous Rate match FIFO empty flag. When asserted, match
FIFO is empty. You must synchronize this signal.
This port is only used for GigE mode.
Output Asynchronous Indicates FIFO status. The following encodings are
2'b00: Normal operation
2'b01: Deletion, rx_std_rmfifo_full = 1
2'b10: Insertion, rx_std_rmfifo_empty = 1
2'b11: Full. rx_rmfifostatus is a part of rx_
parallel_data. rx_rmfifostatus corresponds
to rx_parallel_data[14:13].
Table 2-64: 8B/10B Encoder and Decoder
Name Direction Clock Domain Description
Input tx_clkout
tx_datak is exposed if 8B/10B enabled and
simplified data interface is set.When 1, indicates that
the 8B/10B encoded word of tx_parallel_data is
control. When 0, indicates that the 8B/10B encoded
word of tx_parallel_data is data. tx_datak is a
part of tx_parallel_data when simplified data
interface is not set.
Input Asynchronous This signal allows you to force the disparity of the
8B/10B encoder. When "1", forces the disparity of
the output data to the value driven on tx_dispval.
When "0", the current running disparity continues.
tx_forcedisp is a part of tx_parallel_data. tx_
forcedisp corresponds to tx_parallel_data[9].
Input Asynchronous Specifies the disparity of the data. tx_dispval is a
part of tx_parallel_data. tx_dispval
corresponds to tx_dispval[10].
Output rx_clkout rx_datak is exposed if 8B/10B is enabled and
simplified data interface is set. When 1, indicates
that the 8B/10B decoded word of rx_parallel_data is
control. When 0, indicates that the 8B/10B decoded
word of rx_parallel_data is data. rx_datak is a
part of rx_parallel_data when simplified data
interface is not set.
Standard PCS Ports
Implementing Protocols in Arria 10 Transceivers
Altera Corporation
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