Extra Information

Safety (e.g. speed) cameras are provided for informational purposes only and may not be
used to encourage, facilitate or support the violation of any laws. Furthermore some countries
prohibit the display or use of such features. Compliance with country specific laws and any
usage or reliance on the information by user shall be at the User's own risk and sole
8.7 Database and Services provided by third parties. The Licensor hereby excludes any
liability of its own for the Database or information obtained through the Services in the
Navigation Product. The Licensor does not warrant the quality, suitability, accuracy, fitness for
a specific purpose or territorial coverage or availability of the Database or information. The
Licensor specifically excludes any and all liability for the suspension or cancellation of any of
the Services, and any damage arising due to cancellation of a Service. User acknowledges
that the mapping data in Databases may contain geographical data and other data.
8.8 The User hereby acknowledges that (i) inaccurate or incomplete information due to the
passage of time, changing circumstances, sources used and the nature of collecting
comprehensive geographic data, may each lead to incorrect results; and (ii) that the Database
or information obtained through the Services provided by third parties may only be used at the
risk of the User and for the benefit of the User. User acknowledges that the Databases are
the confidential information of Database Owners and disclosure of the Databases to third
parties is prohibited.
8.10 Database Content and Services provided by the Licensor or an agent of the Licensor.
For certain Navigation Products the Licensor or the Software Owner or a contractual partner
may offer various products and services to the User through the http://www.naviextras.com or
another dedicated website. The User may only use these services when the User has read
and understood the relevant terms at the website and the User is obliged to use the services
in line with those terms. In the event of conflict between this Agreement and such additional
terms, the additional terms shall prevail.
8.11 Purchase and acquisition of activation licence for the use of certain functions,
Databases, or Services may require Internet connection and no alternative way of acquisition
is offered by Licensor or the supplier of those functions, Databases, or Services.
9. Sanctions
9.1 The Licensor hereby informs the User that the breach of copyrights and related rights is a
crime under numerous jurisdicitons, including in the United States of America and other
countries who ratified the International Convention on Cybercrime.
9.2 Licensor, Software Owner and suppliers of products on the basis of this Agreement are
continously monitoring violation of their intellectual property rights, and in case infringing use
is detected, violators will face criminal and civil procedures initiated against them in any and
all jurisdictions.
10. Anonymous data collection
10.1 The User hereby acknowledges that the Software may collect, transmit to Licensor or
third parties, and in some cases stores data connected to the usage of the Software by the
User (e.g. movement/route data, user interaction data). Such data collection functions may be
disabled or enabled by User any time from within the corresponding menu within the
Navigation Product. The collected data is always anonymous, not associated in any way with
any personal information of the User or with the User itself.
10.2 The collected data may be uploaded to the Software Owner’s database or transmitted
periodically or in real time to a third party partner and used exclusively for the purpose of
enhancing and improving the precision and reliability of features and services of the
Navigation Product. Uploading is executed through the Sofware Owner’s special software or
by the Device, and the upload may be enabled or disabled by User. After successful data
upload, the collected data is deleted from the Navigation Product and the Device or may be
deleted by the User manually.