
Connecting to the Main Outputs of a mixing
In addition to channel inserts, most mixing consoles have main
insert jacks near the main outputs. You can use insert cables to
connect the Bitrman to the main L/R bus the same way you
connect it to a pair of channels. Simply connect one insert cable
to the left main insert of the mixer, and connect the two mono
jacks to the left INPUT and OUTPUT of the Bitrman. Use
another insert cable to connect the right main insert to the right
INPUT and OUTPUT of the Bitrman.
Another method would be to plug the main outputs of the mixing
console to the inputs of the Bitrman, then feed the outputs of the
Bitrman to your monitor amps or mixdown recorder. However, if
you fade down the volume at the end of the song, the sound
quality may change as you fade. This is why it’s better to use the
insert jacks, if available.
Connecting to the Effect Send/Return of a
mixing console:
Since the ModFX boxes don’t have a wet/dry mix control, they’re
designed more for in-line processing than the send/receive kind of
processing typically used for reverb units. However, plugging the
Bitrman into a mixer’s effect send/return loop will allow you to
add effects to a mix of several instruments, from any mixer
channel that has its effect send raised.
To do this, connect a single cable from the Effect Send Out
(sometimes labeled “Aux Out”) to the [L/MONO INPUT] of the
Bitrman. Use two separate cables to connect the [L OUTPUT]
and [R OUTPUT] of the Bitrman to the left and right inputs of a
Stereo Effect Return, or to two adjacent mixer channels panned to
left and right.
f yo u use m ixe r cha nnels
o r t h e r e t u r n s f r o m t h e
itrm an, b e su re th e Effec t
S en ds fo r t h o s e c h a n n e l s a r e
tur ne d a ll th e wa y o ff to a vo id
ee db ac k .
ro m Aux /Eff S en d
To re tu r ns