User Manual

Using the Faze
Modulation Select Switch
The up/down rocker switch on the right side of the unit selects the
modulation source for the phaser. The LEDs next to the switch
light up to indicate the current mode. There are five kinds of
modulation available, explained below. The rocker switch also
selects TEMPO SYNC mode, as explained earlier.
This mode uses a triangle wave for the phasing effect. Use this
when you want the smooth up-and-down cycle of traditional
phasing (such as a rotary speaker or vibrato-like effect).
This mode selects a sample and hold wave for the oscillator’s
modulation. The phaser’s center frequency will jump randomly
around the center setting, holding a pitch until it’s time for the
next one.
This is one of the most useful effects in the Faze for lead players.
Envelope modulation takes its cue from the input signal instead of
using a periodic wave generated by an LFO. In Envelope mode,
the phasing frequency follows the average amplitude envelope of
the incoming signal—the louder you play, the deeper the phase
will move. The effect is like having a pedal that moves the phase
point with every new note you play, almost like a trigger.
How quickly the Faze responds to level changes in the incoming
input is controlled by the [RATE] knob. The most obvious effect
of the [RATE] control is to speed up the attack and release times
of the envelope. However, it’s actually more complex than that.
Think of the [RATE] control as being a “shock absorber” on how
quickly the filter frequency will follow the changes in level of
incoming sound. At low [RATE] settings, the change responds
slowly, both up and down. At midrange settings, it more quickly
moves, in sync with individual notes. At the highest range, the
nvelope reacts
directly to your
With a little p ra ctice a n d
s om e ca r eful le ve l a djus tme nt
o f yo ur in str um en t, yo u’ ll
a djus t to th e fee l o f ho w lou d
o u h a v e t o p l a y t o g e t t h e
h a s e t o n e y o u wa nt, a nd
h ow s oft to p la y to ke ep th e
h a s e c l o s e to ce nte r.