User's Manual Part 3

2.70 8065751025
Vision System
Probe cutting at a preset rate begins when the footpedal is pressed. The Cut Rate
is adjusted by pressing Up/Down arrow buttons on the Cutting control or selecting the
Configuration button to display the Configuration popup that has a slidebar for large
numeric adjustments in cut rate.
The controls for each panel in PropVac submode are the same as in 3D submode with
the following exceptions:
No Vacuum Start Up/Down buttons - Vacuum always begins at zero.
No Flow Start Up/Down buttons - Flow always begins at zero.
No Cut Rate Start Up/Down buttons - Cut rate is a constant rate set by the End
buttons and activated when the footpedal is pressed.
In the VitWet submode the user can control the vacuum pressure linearly. This sub
mode allows for setting the treadle end value for the vacuum pressure and the cut
rate. The start value for vacuum pressure is always zero. The start value for cut rate
is always the same as the end value. In Advanced Display Mode, the Flow Limit
Control Type can be changed.
Probe cutting at a preset rate begins when the footpedal is pressed. The Cut Rate
Figure 2-55 Surgery Screen: Vitrectomy Mode-VitWet Submode
Aspiration Panel
Vacuum Panel
Configuration Button