User Guide

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1 Speed Touch USB Installation Guide
12 /66
3EC 16807 AAAA TCZZA Ed. 07
ADSL provides simultaneous highĆspeed Internet access and
regular phone services over the existing telephone line already in
your house. With downloads at up to 8Mbps it's up to 200 times
faster than traditional modems. What's more, your connection to
the Internet is established immediately and busy tones are a thing
of the past.
ADSL is short for Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line. This
somewhat cryptic name is best explained in straightforward terms:
" Line: ADSL uses the ordinary existing copper line, known as
local loop", running between your local premises and the
telephone Central Office (CO).
" Subscriber: That's you, the end user. Because this is what
Service Provider (SP)s, or operators call their customers.
" Digital: ADSL is a digital transmission technology. To a certain
extend, digital information is not affected by impairments on
the telephone line, thus achieving a higher reliability.
" Asymmetric: ADSL can transmit data much faster from the
Internet towards the end user than vice versa.