
Rear-Panel Connections
Digital Output
Audio Outputs
Remote Control Input
Remote Control Output
AC Power Cord
¡ Digital Output: Connect this jack to the
coaxial digital input of an external digital-to-
analog converter for direct access to the digital
signals of the HD 755. DO NOT connect this jack
to the standard audio inputs of any device.
Audio Outputs: Connect these jacks to the
CD audio inputs of your receiver, surround
processor or preamplifier.
£ Remote Control Input:
Connect the output of a remote infrared sensor
or the remote control output of another compati-
ble Harman Kardon product. This will enable the
remote control system to operate even when the
front panel Remote Sensor
is blocked. It
will also allow use of the HD 755 with optional,
external control systems.
¢ Remote Control Output: Connect this
jack to the input of another compatible Harman
Kardon remote controlled device to have the
remote sensor on the HD 755 provide signals to
other products.
AC Power Cord: Connect this plug to an
AC outlet. If the outlet is switch controlled, make
certain that the switch is in the ON position.