Installation Instructions

Septic systems are very sensitive portions
of a whole rejuvenation process of our
earth. If waste were allowed to enter
our ground water, sickness and disease
would plague our populations. It is very
imperative to install systems according
to Federal, State, and Local regulations.
Whether in a rural or urban area, authori-
ties have designed policies to protect all
from contamination from septic systems.
It is important to become educated on the
of installing a septic system in your area.
All localities are dierent. Some agencies require sizing systems according to home size. Others size
them by estimation of water usage via the facilities. There are codes designed to keep your system
away from your well or more importantly your neighbors well. For these and many more reasons it is
important to contact your local authority and determine what requirements you will be held to. Usually
a Local Health Department (LHD) or Pollution Control Agency will have information. AK Industries cannot
stress enough the importance of becoming educated prior to purchasing our products to insure you are
installing the correct system.
A permit is usually required to install any septic system. If so, details can be found at your Local Health
Department. A permit is an approval from the local authority to begin installation of a system. Usually
there is a post inspection and then the close of the permit. Installing a system without a permit is
unwise and not condoned by AK Industries, Inc. For further information please contact your LHD or
AK Industries, Inc. at 574-936-2542.
As a last note, septic systems can become dangerous or hazardous. Please use extreme caution
if you are going to inspect a system yourself. If one feels the slightest bit uncomfortable about
dealing with poisonous ammable gasses or harmful microbes, then it is best to leave procedures
to the professionals.
(Sample Permit next page)
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