Operation Manual

Game Demo
When the AC cord is plugged for the first time after purchase,
the game Demo will begin in the display. When the power is
turned on, the game Demo will end.
Ml the clock is set, the game Demo will automatically begin
whenever the power is turned off.
To play the game Demo
Press DEMO whether the unit is turned on or off, and whether
the clock has been set or not.
With the power switched off, the game is silent. With the power
switched on, it is livened up with sound.
Press +
l-hree numbers on the display start to run.
Press once.
The number on the left side stops.
Press twice to stop the remaining two
points are given to start the game.
11all the numbers are equal, 50 points are added to the score.
!f not equal, one point is subtracted.
If the gained points reach 9999, you win.
If the gained points fail to O,you lose.
To reset the geme Demo, press DEMO twice.
To cancel the game Demo, press DEMO.
To change the probability of equalizing the three number
Press + or> repeatedly to select one of the three probability
levels when playing the game Demo. The tray number indicator
in tlae display changes between 1 and 3. As the tray number
increases from 1 to 3, the higher the probability of equalizing.
To mute the game sound
First, cancel the game Demo by pressing DEMO. Then, keep
pressing DEMO until “~~ OFF is displayed.
To restore the game sound, keep pressing DEMO again until
“j) ON” is displayed.
While playing the game Demo, , +, * and +~ are
available only for the game Demo. Cancel the game Demo to
use these buttons for the functions such as CD playing, etC.
Dl~ring the game Demo, some indicators unrelated with the
actual operation light up on the display.
Tcjchange the game sound, see “RHYTHM PLAY FUNCTION
on page 8.
During recording, DEMO is not operative,
The game Demo and the game sound are automatically
canceled if the volume is adjusted while the unit is turned on.
Setting this unit power economizing mode reduces power
consumption as follows.
When the power is turned off, all the display lights turned off.
However, if the clock is not set, the game Demo will begin when
the power is turned off.
If CD, Tape or Rhythm play function (page 8) does not play for
10 minutes or if there is no audio input from any connected
external equipment for 10 minutes when VIDEO/AUX or MD is
selected as the source, the power shuts off.
When the power turns on due to timer recording (page 26), the
display brightness level is set to “DIMMER 3 (page 5), all button
lamps are off, and the volume is set to minimum level (0).
The display brightens only when operating the unit. When the
unit has not been used for 10 seconds, the brightness level
switches to the mode previously selected in “DIM MODE. (Page
(If the display brightness level is set to “DIM-OFF”, the
brightness does not change, When the level is “DIMMER 3,
the button lamps are also turned off.)
Press ECO.
“ECO MODE will be displayed.
Press ENTER within 4 seconds.
The current power-economizing mode status will be displayed.
If the power-economizing mode is OFF: ECO OFF.
If the power economizing mode is ON: ECO ON.
Turn MULTI JOG within 4 seconds to switch the
power-economizing mode on or off.
Example: When “ON” is selected.
The mode will be automatically set after 4 seconds. It will
also be set if ENTER is pressed within 4 seconds after step
To view the clock when all the display lights turn off, press CLOCK
so that the time is displayed for 4 seconds.