User's Manual

MicroMAX Hardware Installation User Guide
Page 79 Commercial in Confidence UWB-D00068 Rev J
17 Lightning and Surge Protection
This section provides information for the installation of an effective grounding and suppression
system for the protection of products against lightning.
Different levels of protection should be decided jointly with customer according to:
¾ Geographical location / topographical conditions
¾ Environmental conditions
¾ Required level of availability
Emergency Services
Commercial – based on SLA
Private use – based on SLA
¾ Cost factors
Level 1
¾ SFTP CAT-5e outdoor cable with proper grounding at both ends
Level 2
¾ SFTP CAT-5e outdoor cable proper grounding at both ends (Level 1)
¾ 1 Lightning/Surge Protector on CAT-5e outdoor cable on BSDU/SDA end
Level 3
¾ SFTP CAT-5e outdoor cable proper grounding at both ends (Level 1)
¾ 1 Lightning/Surge Protector on CAT-5e outdoor cable on BSDU/SDA end (Level 2)
¾ Additional Lightning/Surge Protector on BSR end
Table 28 - Level of Lightning Protection
Level of
Flash density * Equipment placement
Installation accessibility
1 Low Less than 50m Good Plane
2 Low More than 50m Good Plane
3 Low - Poor Plane
2 Medium Less than 50m Good Plane
2 Medium More than 50m Good Plane
3 Medium - Poor Plane
3 High - - Plane
1 Low Less than 50m Good Hilly
2 Low More than 50m Good Hilly
3 Low - Poor Hilly
2 Medium Less than 50m Good Hilly
2 Medium More than 50m Good Hilly
3 Medium - Poor Hilly