User`s guide

Table Of Contents
Chapter 3 55
Setting Up the Analyzer
Sample Program
3. Setting Up the Analyzer
Line 680 Sets channel 1’s sweep type to “segment”.
Lines 690 to 730 These lines set up the segment table for channel 1.
Line 600: Sends the command that sets up the segment table along
with the parameter header (“5,0,1,1,0,0” causes the IF bandwidth
and power to be set on a segment by segment basis; Segm
represents the number of segments).
Lines 700 to 730: Send the data for the start and stop values,
number of points, IF bandwidth, and power (Star1, Stop1, Nop1,
If_bw1, Pow1) on a segment by segment basis.
Lines 750 to 760 For channel 1, these lines set the number of traces to Num_of_tr1 and
the graph layout to Allocate1$.
Lines 770 to 890 For channel 1, the program iterates the following loop while
incrementing i from 1 to Num_of_tr1 for each trace.
Line 780: Sets the measurement parameter to Para1$(i).
Line 790: Makes trace(i) active.
Line 800: Sets the data format to Fmt1$(i).
Line 830: If the data format is Smith chart or polar, this line sets
the full-scale value to Scale1(i).
Lines 850 to 870: If the data format is neither Smith chart nor
polar, these lines set the reference division line number to
Ref_pos1(i), the reference division line value to Ref_lev1(i), and
the scale per division to Scale1(i).
Line 930 Sets channel 2's sweep type to “linear”.
Lines 940 to 980 For channel 2, these lines set the center value to Cent2, the span value
to Span2, the number of measurement points to Nop2, the IF
bandwidth to If_bw2, and the power to Pow2.
Lines 1000 to 1010 For channel 2, these lines set the number of traces to Num_of_tr2 and
the graph layout to Allocate2$.
Lines 1020 to 1140 For channel 2, the program iterates the following loop while
incrementing i from 1 to Num_of_tr2 for each trace.
Line 1030: Sets the measurement parameter to Para2$(i).
Line 1040: Makes trace(i) active.
Line 1050: Sets the data format to Fmt2$(i).
Line 1080: If the data format is Smith chart or polar, this line sets
the full-scale value to Scale2(i).
Lines 1100 to 1120: If the data format is neither Smith chart nor
polar, these lines set the reference division line number to
Ref_pos2(i), the reference division line value to Ref_lev2(i), and
the scale per division to Scale2(i).
Line 1160 Saves the settings of the E5061A/E5062A under the file name File$.