User`s guide

Table Of Contents
542 Index
Corrected, 108
Formatted, 110
Memory trace, 47
Message terminator, 37
Minimum value search
Analysis command, 93
Marker search, 91
Model number, 198
Calibration kit, 64
Standard, 64
Negative logic, 149
Negative transition filter, 508
Network function
Enabling/disabling, 27
Notch search, 99
Notch Value, 99
Number of measurement points, 42
Reading out
Linear sweep, 425
Segment sweep, 423
Number of traces, 41
Obtaining test results, 121
Each channel, 122
Each measurement point, 121
Each trace, 121
Overall test result, 124
Offset delay, 64
Offset loss, 64
Offset Z0, 64
OPEN, 65
Operation status register, 509
Bit definitions, 518
Reading out the condition register, 441
Reading out the event register, 441
Setting the enable register, 442
Setting the negative transition filter, 443
Setting the positive transition filter, 444
Operational Manual, 4
Order base, 335
Output port write strobe signal, 151
Outputting data
Handler I/O port, 152
Internal data arrays, 111
Overall test result, 124
SCPI command, 195
Pass/Fail test, 119
Peak excursion value, 92, 93
Peak search
Analysis command, 93
Marker search, 91
Performing a calibration, 60
Phase format, 47
Pin layout, 149
Polar format, 47
Analysis command, 93
Marker search, 92
Handler I/O port, 152
Port 23, 34
Port 5025, 35
Port extension, 409, 410
Positive transition filter, 508
Power, 42
Power range, 42
Power slope, 42
Power sweep, 43
Prefix, 500
Preset, 199, 479, 483
Primary value, 109
Aborts the print output, 339
Outputs the display image, 339
Selects the print color, 339
Product information, 198
Program (sample)
file name
bandwid.htb, 98
cal.htb, 71
cont_upd.htb, 165
ctrl_lan.xls, 184
ctrl_lansicl.xls, 176
ecal.htb, 77
file_sav.htb, 137
file_xfr.htb, 143
handler.htb, 160
lim_test.htb, 128
meas_bpf.htb, 173
read_asc.htb, 112
read_bin.htb, 114
search.htb, 96
setup.htb, 56
srq_err.htb, 168
srq_meas.htb, 86
trg_sing.htb, 88
write_a.htb, 116
write_b.htb, 118
Bandwidth Search, 98
Calibration, 71
Communicating with external instruments, 160
Configuring measurement conditions, 56
Controlling the update timing of LCD display, 165
Controlling using SICL-LAN server, 176