User`s guide

Table Of Contents
Chapter 13 351
SCPI Command Reference
E5061A/E5062A commands
13. SCPI Command
Syntax :MMEMory:LOAD:SEGMent <string>
Description As the segment sweep table for the active channel (specified with the
:DISP:WIND{1-4}:ACT command), recalls the specified segment sweep table file (a file
with the .csv extension saved with the :MMEM:STOR:SEGM command).
Specify the file name with the extension. If you want to specify a file on the floppy disk
drive, you need to add “A:” at the beginning of the file name. When you use directory
names and file name, separate them with “/” (slash) or “\” (backslash).
If the specified file does not exist, an error occurs and the command is ignored. (No query)
Example of use
10 OUTPUT 717;":MMEM:LOAD:SEGM ""Test1/Segm01.csv"""
10 OUTPUT 717;":MMEM:LOAD:SEGM ""A:Segm01.csv"""
Related commands :MMEM:STOR:SEGM on page 362
:DISP:WIND{1-4}:ACT on page 318
Equivalent key
[Sweep Setup] - Edit Segment Table - Import from CSV File
Description File name of segment sweep table
Range 254 characters or less