User`s guide

Table Of Contents
Chapter 12 171
Sample Application Programs
Basic measurement (measuring a band pass filter)
12. Sample Application
Figure 12-2 Sample display of the screen after the program Example 12-1 exits execution
The program is described in detail below:
Line 50 Assigns a GPIB address to the I/O pass.
Lines 70 to 110 Store the sweep center value (947.5 MHz), the sweep span value (200
MHz), the number of measurement points (401), the IF bandwidth (10
kHz), the power level (-10 dBm) into the variables Center, Span, Nop,
If_Bw, and Pow, respectively.
Lines 120 to 160 Stores the number of traces (1), the measurement parameter (S21), the
data format (log Mag), the calibration kit number (4: 85032F), and the
save file name (State08.sta) into the variables, Num_of_tr, Para$,
Fmt$, CalKit, and File$, respectively.
Line 200 Puts the instrument into preset state.
Lines 220 to 260 These lines assign the sweep center value for channel 1 to Center,
sweep span value to Span, number of measurement points to Nop, IF
bandwidth to If_bw, and power level to Pow, respectively.
Lines 280 to 310 These lines assign the number of trace for channel 1 to Num_of_tr,
measurement parameters to Para$, and data format to Fmt$,
Line 350 Stores the calibration kit number for channel 1 to the CalKit variable.
Lines 360 to 380 These lines specifies ports 1 and 2 to be used and calls the sub program
Cal_solt to perform full 2-port calibration for channel 1. For more
information on the Cal_solt subprogram, refer to the description in
Example 4-1 on page 71.
Lines 420 to 430 Saves the settings of the E5061A/E5062A and the calibration
coefficients under the file name File$.
Lines 480 to 490 These lines set the trigger source to the bus trigger and turns on the
continuous initiation mode for channel 1.